Wet riser systems are pressurized with water having a permanent water supply from fire water pumps and fire water storage tanks. The wet riser system comprises of one or multiple vertical riser pipes or horizontal runs of piping that feed the Landing Valve connections. These risers are connected to fire pumps and fire water storage tanks located within the buildings. A 25mm diameter for Hose Reel System OR 40 mm diameter for Hose Rack system AND, 65 mm diameter for the landing Valve tapping will be made from the wet riser in each floor level and fitted with multipurpose hoses and nozzles that are placed inside a cabinet, known as Class III hose systems, for the use of the Civil Defence department personnel or other trained fire fighting personnel. In addition four way breeching inlets located at a ground level are connected to the bottom of the wet riser to pump water from the Civil Defence fire truck as supplementary water supply